
Showing posts with the label Announce

For the first time, the ban on filming is lifted.

The tour title has been announced.

This year there will be no large-scale summer gigs.

RENI releases first photo book.

MCZ will be at ROCK IN JAPAN this year too.

Collaboration with a hotel in Shibuya.

Merchandise with a sense of Japanese tradition is born.

A countdown program to the 15th anniversary will be broadcast.

MCZ's 15th anniversary song to be released.

SHIORI's April song has been teased.

MCZ will perform at Summer Sonic.

Spring Live to be distributed worldwide via PPV.

SHIORI to appear as assistant MC on quiz show.

Another MCZ TV program will be added.

'Shouting' ban will be lifted on 16 May.

SHIORI did an InstaLive.

'LP Record' released.

SHIORI to appear in drama.

A valuable program is coming to an end.

RENI becomes ambassador for the city of Yokohama.