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Manholes have been installed.

Whether it will be pink again this year.

Beautiful sakura at next week's live venue.

Manholes commemorating MCZ are now available.

KANAKO's junior reports on KANAKO.

The "MUGEN Company STAPLA" was established.

KANAKO appointed as PR Ambassador for Shizuoka Airport.

Members' heights were measured.

Kaito Shojo ranked 809th in 30 years.

Ten years have passed since the day their dream came true.

KANAKO had flu at the time.

Junior member is great-grandson of former Japanese Prime Minister.

Barriers to SHIORI's solo concert.

MCZ TV program wins awards from society.

SHIORI dyed her hair gold.

Kishidan also congratulated them.

Members congratulate their leader.

MCZ members have refrained from updating information.

MCZ aims to contribute to the SDGs.

MCZ tops CM ranking of idols.