
Showing posts with the label New song

One of KANAKO's new songs has been released in advance.

New song chosen as Gundam theme song.

Another new piece of music from MCZ has been released.

Music Video for New Song by JA-NAMIE Released.

JA-NAIME's 1st EP is now available for pre-distribution.

A making-of video for the new song's music video has been released.

Two new songs were selected as one of the 30 hottest songs of the moment.

RENI's new song will start streaming.

New song's animated non-credit opening video released.

Music video of new song released.

MASAHIRO's appearance song of the year was played at the stadium for the first time.

Another new song has been announced.

Dance practice movie of the latest song is available on Youtube.

A new trailer for the new song has been released.

Dance video for new song on TikTok.

Music Video of new song released.

Streaming of the new song has begun.

An animated video of the new song has been released.

MCZ to take on more anime theme songs.

Dance video is being called for on tiktok!