The 10th Anniversary Live was held at Tokyo Dome

A live celebrating their debut 10th anniversary was held at the Tokyo Dome for 2 days on May 22 and the next 23, and attracted 82,907 people totaling (36,873 on the first day and 46,034 on the second day.).
MCZ had a live performance at five large dome in Japan, but it was the first time to perform a single performance at the Tokyo Dome.

*This YOUTUBE movie is the official trailer of this live Blue-Ray which will be released on 18th December 2018.

The title of the live was "10th Anniversary The Diamond Four -in 桃響導夢-".
'桃,響,導,夢' means "peach", "sound", "lead", "dream" in English, and in Japanese pronunciation it is the same as "Tokyo dome".

The theme of live on the first day was to play all about 120 songs they had released. A set list of 15 songs (including 2 songs of medley of 32 songs) was played.

On the second day, the theme of live was "The preparedness of TDF (Team Diamond Four)." They showed 20 songs by the MCZ's new format, which had been in the four-player format since January, and expressed its determination to "make the world smile."
