AYAKA has telling about New Year 's vacation.

AYAKA updated her Ameblo(=Blog site) and posted a long sentence about New Year's vacation.

In the upper row, she report that she had eaten 'Ozo-Ni' yesterday.
'Oz-oni' is a traditional Japanese soup dish which contains rice cakes(called 'Mochi') and vegetables. That is only eaten on special occasions like New Year.
Ayaka's 'Ozo-ni' has a rice cake('Mochi') stamped with a crest of MCZ.

And after that story, it is written that she traveled to Italy with her friend 's girl.
It seems she went to Rome and Florence. It happened that SHIORI was traveling Florence in New Year, but it seems to be another action.
It is written that she thrilled that Doha's transfer, purchase of Itaro tickets, and that train was delayed.
And she wrote that she will want to go to Venice next time.

At the end of a long blog, it is reported that she submitted a proposal of "AYAKA-NATION 2019" (her solo concert).
And she wrote that want us to expect for the live.
