MCZ watched a professional wrestling.

It is reported that the MCZ members watched the convention of 'New Japan Pro-Wrestling' held yesterday.
'New Japan pro wrestling (NJPW)' is currently the most major professional wrestling organization in Japan.

Yesterday, the most famous heel wrestler of NJPW, 'Takashi Iizuka' retirement game was held.
Takashi Iizuka has co-starred with MCZ many times in TV programs and live performances.

Especially in the 'Karuta game' which is held in New Year of MCZ's regular TV program 'Momoclo chan', he suddenly appeared and ramped up was an annual event.
Also, he was appeared in MCZ's music video 'Golden History', and excited in this scene.

- A scene where the MCZ watches the game is posted on the official Twitter of NJPW. Between AYAKA and SHIORI is Kurumi Hori (The leader of 'Takoyaki Rainbow').

- MCZ is also posted on Twitter of popular wrestler 'Jado' of NJPW.
