MCZ special newspaper will be delivered to 230,000 households.

In the spring live, MCZ have chosen local towns and are trying to make it an event that also serves as regional activation.
It was titled "The One Big Event of Momoclo Spring - Power of Smile, Wish to Connect", years before last was held in Fujimi city (Saitama prefecture), last year in Higashiomi City (Shiga Prefecture).
This year it will be held in Kurobe city (Toyama prefecture) for two days on April 20th and 21st.

Related to this activity, Toyama prefecture's main newspaper company 'Kita-Nippon-Shimbun' (means 'North-Japan Newspaper') seems to issue 'MCZ special edition' in the morning of April 23 when live is performed.

According to Twitter of AKIRA Kawakami (MCZ's Producer), that special newspaper will be delivered to 230,000 households.
