Momoclo drinks beer, which surprises Tamori.
As we reported recently, MCZ attended the press conference for KIRIN's new beer-tasting beverage, 'Honkirin.'
Later, another video called "The Completion Party" was distributed on Twitter, in which MCZ's comments were also played on the VTR.
At this unveiling, Tamori (one of Japan's most famous TV personalities and hosts), who is the main commercial character for Honkirin, was watching MCZ's VTR.
Tamori commented, seeming surprised, "Are those girls old enough to drink alcohol?"
The bottom link has an archive of the video, with MCZ appearing at around 2:15:30.
本日お昼12時生配信??#江口洋介 さん ×#タモリ さん のオンライントークライブ開催!豪華スペシャルゲストもVTR登場!?配信中に「#新しい本麒麟完成」で投稿すると何かが起こるかも??#一体どこまでうまくなる #新しい本麒麟 について詳しくは??
— キリンビール / KIRIN BEER (@Kirin_Brewery) March 1, 2021