The sample sound of RENI's new song has been released.

On the official Twitter of King Records, a preview of the song "Nando-demo Serenade (means 'Again and again, serenade.')", which will be included in RENI's 1st solo album "Renichan WORLD" to be released on August 18, has been released.

This song has never been released before and is a completely new song for fans.

The song has a very nice melody line and the lyrics are sung gently by RENI, matching the current times.

The gist of the lyrics on the Twitter page can be translated as follows

I hope you're smiling, my precious one.

A serenade like a prayer.

A pure white thought enveloped the world.

Even on nights when I can't see you,

I'll always think of you and play.. 



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