MCZ performed at KURO-FES again this year.

On September 6, MCZ appeared at Toyosu PIT in Tokyo for "KURO-FES 2022: Black and White Song Contest," produced by legendary singer Shigeru Matsuzaki (72). 

MCZ performed a total of four songs.

MCZ has long had a connection with SHIGERU, and it has been a tradition for MCZ to be made a surprise announcement while SHIGERU sang his signature song, "Ai no memory (means 'Memory of Love')," at past large-scale gigs.

To this day, SHIGERU still performs at the New Year's Eve concert every year.

MCZ has performed at the "Kuro-FES" eight times in a row since 2015.

RENI commented as follows

'Happy to have been invited FES this year.'

