RENI's husband has been traded.

The NPB's Nippon Ham Fighters and Chunichi Dragons have completed a 2-for-2 trade, the teams announced today.

Both trades were for "a catcher and a pitcher", but the catcher on the Fighters' side was SHINGO Usami, the husband of MCZ's RENI.

This means that SHINGO's home base will be moved from Hokkaido (Sapporo) to Aichi Prefecture (Nagoya).

According to reports, SHINGO was the catcher for the opening game of the season, but then dropped out of the farm due to poor hitting.

The Fighters had three other leading catchers, and SHINGO had fallen behind them in the pecking order.

SHINGO played in 81 games last season, the most of any catcher in the team, and his performance seems to have been appreciated by the Dragons.

SHINGO commented.

The Fighters have improved me as a baseball player.
I think I was traded because they wanted me.
I think getting results with the Dragons will also repay my debt to the Fighters.

RENI has publicly stated that she has been supporting the Hanshin Tigers since around the year before last.
She has worn Tigers merchandise and has expressed her enthusiasm in commentaries on live baseball programs about the Tigers.
However, the Dragons and Tigers belong to the same league (Central League), which makes them rivals.
It will be interesting to see which team RENI 'Oshi (means 'guesses')' in the future.

MCZ are scheduled to perform in Aichi Prefecture on 17 July as part of their 15th anniversary concert tour, but the Dragons will be away on that date due to the visitors' game. 
