SHIORI reveals how she cut her hair.

In July of this year, SHIORI suddenly appeared at a live concert with a short cut, and the official tiktok of the monthly beauty magazine MAQUIA revealed how she cut her hair at that time.

The first time she cut her hair, she apparently did it by herself with scissors.

Let's see the details in the video below.


@maquia.magazine ももいろクローバーZの玉井詩織さんが、胸元まであるロングヘアをばっさりとカット! しおりんが見せる「28歳の新しい顔」とは? 詳しくは発売中の『マキア10月号』をチェック?? #玉井詩織 #しおりん #ももいろクローバーz #ももクロ #MCZ #momoclo #マキア #MAQUIA ? Hashire!-Z version- - Momoiro Clover Z
