KANAKO played "Flowers Darts" with NAO

On TV Asahi's official Tiktok, KANAKO and NAO Asahi (former Idoling!!!)  play "Flowers Darts" on TV Asahi's official Tiktok.

It is cute and funny no matter how many times you watch it, so we hope you enjoy it.

KANAKO concluded, "I'm a leader, is this okay?" she ask.

NAO responded, "I want to follow such a leader for the rest of my life.

A longer video including this part will be released on youtube at a later date.

The video will be shown on TV Asahi's official website on Aug. 9 at midnight, so we will keep you posted on the details. 

@dogahajime 【お花ダーツ】朝日奈央&百田夏菜子が挑戦!《#百田夏菜子 #朝日奈央 #ももクロ #ももいろクローバーZ #お願いランキング #そだてれび #行くぜ怪盗少女 #モノノフ #アイドル #花 #ダーツ ? オリジナル楽曲 - 動画、はじめてみました
