Unrehearsed Question-and-Answer Tiktok Released.

On the official Tiktok account of King Records, "question-and-answer, interview videos" of MCZ members are now available.

There are two videos, the first part and the second part, each about one minute long.

They seem to have been recorded during the shooting of the Music Video, as they are wearing the costumes of the new song "MONONOFU NIPPON".

According to the explanation, the members are answering questions asked suddenly on the set, one after another, without rehearsal.

English subtitles are also provided to make it easier for foreign mononofus to understand what they are saying. We hope you will take a look at it.


@_king_records #ももいろクローバーZ ? ???#スマホで答えて???????  リハーサルなしぶっつけ本番!  一問一答インタビュー動画 ? 今回は 8/4に 「MONONOFU NIPPON feat. 布袋寅泰」を リリースした #ももクロ が挑戦?? 後編は明日公開予定?? ? ぜひ感想をコメントしてください?? @ももいろクローバーZ(ももクロ) ? MONONOFU NIPPON feat. Hotei -NIPPON! PO PON! ver.- - Momoiro Clover Z

@_king_records #ももいろクローバーZ ? ? #スマホで答えて ?? ?? #ももクロ ver. "後編" 公開?? ? リハーサルなしぶっつけ本番の 一問一答インタビュー動画?? ? 是非ご覧下さい?? @ももいろクローバーZ(ももクロ) ? オリジナル楽曲 - キングレコード公式
