RENI Celebrates 80th Anniversary of Nishi Ward
RENI of MCZ, a native of Yokohama City and an ambassador of Yokohama City's attractions, has released a message celebrating the 80th anniversary of Yokohama City's Nishi Ward.
The message is posted on the official X of Yokohama Nishi Ward. (see below)
In recent media, RENI has publicly stated that she drinks not in Nishi Ward, but in the Noge neighborhood in the neighboring Naka Ward, but she seems to be talking about Nishi Ward, describing its charms such as "fashionable stores".
— 横浜市西区役所 (@nishi_yokohama) November 5, 2023
『2024年、西区は区制80周年を迎えるよ!横浜魅力発信アンバサダーのももいろクローバーZ・高城れにちゃんに会って、お祝いメッセージをもらったよ~♪ぜひ見てね!』#yokohama #横浜 #西区 #西区制80周年 #ももいろクローバーZ #ももクロ #高城れに