Rehearsal footage for RENI's stage production has been released.

Footage of the rehearsals for the stage play "Saiko no iede (which means 'The best 'running away from home')", in which RENI will play the lead role in February, has been released on Youtube.

The BGM of the video is the soundtrack of the play, which was created for this stage.

The music was produced by Yu Arauchi, a member of the band cero.

"Saiko no iede" is a new performance written and directed by Naoyuki Miura, who heads the lolo theatre company.

The story begins when the protagonist, played by RENI, who has run away from home because she has doubts about her married life, is introduced to a live-in job.

The official website describes it as a "fantastic tale of lost ways".

This will be RENI's first solo stage performance and her first time leading a theatre company.

The play will be performed at Kinokuniya Hall in Tokyo from 4-24 Feb.

It will then be performed in Kochi, Osaka, Kagawa, Miyagi and Kitakyushu until the end of March.
