MCZ performs at music festival.

A music event organised by Fuji TV focusing on 2D and 2.5D content such as anime or internet, "Odaiba! Cho-jigen (means 'Hyperdimension') Music Festival Fuyu Fest 2024" was held at Pia Arena MM in Yokohama on this Saturday and Sunday.

MCZ performed at the end of the second day of the event and played the last act of the entire event.

The live performance is reported in detail on the media site Pop'n Roll, as always, we will post an automatic translation link.

This event was attended by many fans of other artists, and during the MC, "Who is new to seeing Momoclo on stage?" the members asked, and about 70% of the audience in the hall raised their hands.

However, many of the comments on various social networking sites after the show praised MCZ's stage performance, and it seems that they showed their ability even in an away environment. 
