Pop-up shops will be opened.

To celebrate the release of MCZ's new album 'Idola' on 8 May, it has been announced that pop-up shops will open in 15 HMV and HMV&BOOKS shops from 7 to 19 May.


The shops will sell five different products.

Mini-bromide for each member, 8 cm CD-style acrylic stands, face towels and clear tote bags with the 'idola' logo will be sold.

In addition, collaboration figures with figure brand brokker's new series 'brokker ZERO' will be available to order in sets of four. The goods will also be available for order at HMV&BOOKS online from 7 to 31 May.

As the album release nears, various information seems to be coming out one after another.

The members' appearances in the media are increasing, and we are looking forward to seeing them every day. 
