KWKM posted many photos.

MCZ producer KAWAKAMI posted a large number of photos on X about MCZ's 'Haru no ichi daiji (One Big Spring Event)' concert last weekend. (shown at bottom).

This was triggered by a single message posted by one mononofu (live participant) as follows.

My son is so depressed because he can't check the picture he drew for the live.

The night before, we made a hasty decision and from there he worked hard to draw it, cutting down on his sleeping time.

Do you have any photos of the trolley other than RENI's Instagram and live reports?

At this live concert, the kids' drawings were put on the trolley that MCZ would ride during the concert and join the live together.

However, the drawings on the lower part of the trolley did not show up on the screen during the concert or on the live-viewing camera, so some of the kids who drew pictures seemed to be disappointed.

RENI noticed this and posted some trolly pictures on Instagram Stories, but participants who still could not find the drawings posted on X as above.

The KAWAKAMI producer noticed this feedback and posted all the pictures he had on hand.

KAWAKAMI commented as follows.

Ladies and gentlemen, were there your photos?

The initial Mononofu who responded to this post commented with thanks as follows.

I will tell my son that so many people warmly cooperated with us! 
