The popular MCZ CM has come to an end.

Mononofus are suprised that another actress (Mana Ashida) will be in charge of SUZUKI's ‘Free Inspection for Your Car’ campaign commercials from June, which MCZ has been in charge of for a long time.

The Free Car Inspection campaign is known for the intensive airing of commercials at certain times of the year, and has been a major factor in MCZ's ranking high in terms of the number of commercials they have appeared in.

At present, it is not clear whether the other MCZ's SUZUKI commercials have been dropped all together or whether this campaign is the only one that has been terminated.

In particular, the ‘SUZUKI's New year sale’ campaign at the end of the year and the beginning of the new year is also a position that MCZ has always held, so it will be interesting to see what happens in the future.

The impact on the popular radio program ‘MCZ's SUZUKI Happy Clover Top 10’, which is broadcast on TOKYO FM on Sundays and MCZ is the sole sponsor of SUZUKI, is also a concern. 
