MCZ brought an economic ripple effect of 840 million yen.

Kameoka City, Kyoto Prefecture, where MCZ held "Haru no ichi daiji (means 'One big Spring Event)" live concert this spring (April 13 and 14), announced on its official website the economic ripple effect of attracting this live event.

According to this report, the number of visitors to the event was approximately 30,000 (according to the organizer), and the actual number of visitors was calculated based on a questionnaire survey (2,077 samples) conducted by the executive committee, and the results of a separate survey of "day visitors" and "overnight visitors" for each item such as "souvenirs," "food and drink," "lodging," "entrance fees," and "transportation. As a result of separate surveys, it was found that the amount of money (sales) spent in Kameoka City as a result of the event was approximately 345 million yen.

Furthermore, the economic ripple effect was calculated based on the actual number of visitors and the amount of money spent, and the overall economic ripple effect of the event was estimated to be about 839 million yen.

For the "Haru no ichi daiji," MCZ will perform live on the condition that local governments cover the costs of the venue and security (SDP will only enjoy the revenue from the main part of the live performance).

The economic benefits that the tens of thousands of visitors bring to the area surrounding the venue and the PR effect on tourism resources are considered to be a major advantage, and many municipalities are attracted to host the live concert every year.

The economic effects that the Spring Ippai Live brought to local municipalities have been calculated in the past as well, as follows.

  •  2018, Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture: 500 million yen
  •  2019: Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture: 600 million yen
  •  2023: Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture: 700 million yen

It seems that this year's live concert brought the largest effect ever.

