An interview with KANAKO was published.

As previously reported in the following article, KANAKO was featured in the 15 July issue of the major news weekly AERA.

The interview that was published here is now available in full on the AERA website.
As usual, an automatic translation link is below.

In the interviewee talks passionately about the moment when MCZ's hesitation about change turned into readiness for a new run when they celebrated their 10th anniversary.

It also mentions the column that KANAKO will be serialising in the magazine from August.

The title of the column is ‘Kono michi wo yukeba’ (means ‘If you follow this road’).

This is probably taken from the following words (very famous in Japan) recited by the legendary Japanese pro-wrestler Antonio-Inoki at his retirement ceremony, who died the year before last.

'The Way.'

What will happen if I go this way?

Don't worry about bad outcomes.

If you worry about bad outcomes, there is no road ahead.

If you step out, that step becomes a path, that step becomes a path.

Go, don't be in doubt, go and you will see.

This poem is known to have originated from an old Buddhist poem.

Its intention is to encourage people to take a new step, even though they are uncertain.



Kim said…
Thank you for this blog, as always. A question:

The new Momoclo album was released just two months ago... In that time there have been solo releases from all members except Ayaka.

Was there less promotion done for the group's album this year compared to previous ones? Was there less interest? (I guess this is possible given that the album contained so many previously-released songs.)

It just seems a bit weird to me that the album seemed to come and go so quickly and now we have the members releasing and promoting solo projects.
Kim said…
I suppose they could also just be doing things differently given the largely unprecedented position they are at as a veteran idol group, as alluded to in the Kanako interview.
Thank you for your comments.

In my opinion, there are indeed some doubts amongst Mononofus about the sales style of the album idora this time.

The album tour did not take place, and it was also announced early on that the big summer concert that Mononofus were expecting would not take place.

Indeed, it seems that the solo activities of the members, which have been increasing in weight this year, seem to be making up for those group activities.

However, according to a recent statement by producer KAWAKAMI, they are preparing to hold a large scale live concert next summer, so we would like to hold out a little more hope for their future activities.