MASAHIRO's appearance song of the year was played at the stadium for the first time.

MASAHIRO Tanaka of the NPB Rakuten Golden Eagles, for whom MCZ has created an appearance song every year, pitched in an official game today for the first time this year.

The song ‘Burn Your Heart’, produced by MCZ for MASAHIRO this year, was played at the stadium for the first time.

MASAHIRO had a cleaning operation on his right elbow last October. He started this year's camp with the first team, but his condition did not improve and he had been with the second team since the start of the season.

MCZ's music was unveiled on the vision of the stadium (Rakuten Mobile Park Miyagi), with many spectators posting it on X. (bottom row)

However, to his chagrin, MASAHIRO was the losing pitcher, pitching five innings, giving up six hits and four runs.

MASAHIRO has reached 197 wins in Japan and the US, with 200 wins at stake with three more wins to go.

With eight games remaining this year for Rakuten, it is doubtful that MASAHIRO will get another chance to pitch.

So MCZ's cheering song may have been heard for the last time today.

However, the song begins with the following shout-out from KANAKO...

Come on, crawl up again and again!

