JR's response to the MCZ spring live concert is in the news.

The news site AsageiBiz published an article titled “Super Unusual Measures Taken by JR East for Momoclo's Niigata Live, in which 20,000 people moved to the area.“

As usual, we will show it with an auto-translated link.


The article only mentions the temporary Shinkansen bullet train service, but as previously reported, there will also be a temporary limited express train service between Niigata and Shimbasta stations.

As today is one month before the first day of the concert, advance tickets for these trains have gone on sale.

A few minutes ago, I checked the JR reservation website and found that there are only a few seats left on the limited express train.

It seems that this will be another “ichi dai ji (means 'One big event')” of epic proportions. 
