KANAKO delivered a gift to her best friend.

Actor KYOKO Yoshine posted on Instastories that MCZ's KANAKO delivered a gift to the recording site of the drama in which KYOKO stars.

KYOKO is currently starring in a medical drama series “Madoka 26 Sai , kenshui yattemasu! (means 'Madoka 26, I'm a resident doctor!)" airing on TBS. which is currently airing on TBS.

KANAKO and KYOKO have been known to be close since they co-starred in the 2015 movie “Maku ga agaru (means 'The Curtain Rises',)” and have recently shared photos of their recent trip together.

In the Insta-Stories that KYOKO released this time, the following board is shown.

I received a gift of bread from KANAKO Momota, a friend of Ms. Yoshine. 
