Next year will not be a New Year's card.

Members of 'MCZ's fan club ANGEL EYES' usually receive Nengajo (means 'a New Year's greeting card') on New Year's Day with a message from MCZ members.

However, the official website of MCZ recently communicated that next year, instead of New Year's greeting cards, Kanchu-Mimai (means 'a greeting in winter') postcards will be delivered in mid-January.

In the tradition of Japanese postcard culture, families that have had a family passed away in the previous year do not send out Nengajo (New Year's greeting cards).

Instead, it is customary to send a greeting postcard called "Kanchu-Mimai" during the winter season.

MCZ lost an important "family" in September of this year, so this is the way they are going to do it this year.

Many mononofus on SNS have expressed their understanding, saying, "Yes, that's right". 
