
SHIORI and AYAKA will be able to return to work tomorrow.

MCZ Overcomes Trouble at Music Festivals

MCZ will participate in Noritake's album.

A manager of MCZ was infected with corona.

AYAKA shows an off-shot of LARME.

SHIORI and AYAKA will appear on a Vtuber show.

All Night Carnival's teaser video is now available.

A new kids' version of MV has been released.

RENI and SHIORI's "maid cafe" appearance was revealed.

KANAKO did a weird cosplay with NAO.

May be able to talk to MCZ on the phone tonight.

After the MCZ show, JA-NAMIE will perform in Fukushima.

New artist photos of MCZ are now available.

A junior spoke about MOMOKA.

A "Medley of Hand-Play Songs" was unveiled.

Kyoko Yoshine released a photo of herself with SHIORI.

AYAKA revealed her personal outfit.

The scene announcing the tour was released.

MCZ members were reported safe.

The teaser site for "Shukuten" is now open.