
Showing posts with the label Tweets by Staff

MCZ special newspaper will be delivered to 230,000 households.

New Album's 'Artist Visual' has been released.

[☆] MCZ record label twitter account suspended.

'kaito-shojo' will be remade.

MOMOKA performed resurrection live.

The video of "NAGASAKI LOVERS PROJECT" that MCZ publicizes Nagasaki has been released.

MCZ appeared in new movie previews without notice.

RENI's solo song was delivered.

AKARI's 'Koizumi-san' comes back.


MCZ watched a professional wrestling.

'Nippon-egao-Hyakkei' at 'Momoclo Mania 2018' movie has been released.

'BIONIC CHERRY' at 'Momoclo Mania 2018' movie has been released.

KANAKO and RENI made a courtesy visit to Mayor Kurobe City.

KANAKO and RENI walked to the live venue in spring.

SHIORI and AYAKA skied.

'Clover-to-Diamond' at 'Momoclo Mania 2018' movie has been released.

'Hanabi' at 'Momoclo Mania 2018' movie has been released.

MCZ becomes a cheerleader, a new CM of SUZUKI has started.

The song questionnaire you want to see (from Momoclo Mania 2018) part4 is performed now.