
AYAKA performed solo at an idol festival.

A video of performance of 'HERO' has been released.

This year too, Mononofus were honoured.

'Haru-ichi' was a big affair.

15th anniversary song's MV was a very emotional

[NOTICE] MCZ TODAY updates will resume tonight.

[NOTICE] MCZ TODAY will be closed for a few days.

New song released.

KANAKO talks about marriage.

MCZ will work with JRA in an unexpected way.

Movie theater also welcomes spring live concerts.

MCZ's 15th anniversary song to be released.

SHIORI's April song has been teased.

'Anison Days' live show to be broadcast.

The NPB has been flooded with Momoclo songs also this season.

Mononofus discovered that today is RENI's anniversary.

AYAKA has won another award.

MCZ will perform at Summer Sonic.

Fireworks in Namie.

Spring Live to be distributed worldwide via PPV.